Life is not going to be much fun for US and European manufacturers of notebook computers judging by a report from Taipei by Microbytes Daily: the wire reports that at the Computex show this week, more than 100 Taiwan-based manufacturers were showing new notebook computers – and that most of them were remarkably similar, built around the 80386SX CPU, with 2Mb and either a 30Mb or 40Mb hard disk with little innovation to mark out competing models; a few companies showed notebook systems based on Intel Corp’s new 80386SL chip, including Veridata, Twinhead, Sampo, and Tatung and most of the exhibitors were trying to make deals with US and European OEM customers – but many may have to try to go direct; there were no machines using either the 80486SX or Advanced Micro Devices Inc’s 40MHz Am386, although several liked the look of its lower price.