Nokia Data Ltd is right up there in the rush to get out an 80486SX-based personal computer, and is this week previewing its DT436E system at the Which Computer? Show. The DT436E is to be out in the autumn and is intended to run as a network file server and power workstation, running CAD/CAM applications, large spreadsheets, Windows 3.0 or OS/2. The system motherboard is EISA-based, operating at 20MHz and capable of accepting up to 32-bit writes from the processor with up to 64Mb RAM. With 1.4Mb, 3.5 floppy disk drive and zero wait states, the DT436E provides 100Mb, 200Mb and 400Mb SCSI hard disk options with an EISA hard disk controller and cache. There are six expansion slots, with one parallel and two serial ports, paving an upgrade path to Nokia’s DT456 33MHz 80486-based system. Several configurations will be available, and screen options will include the company’s DU146 VGA 14 colour monitor, the DU170 17 VGA monitor, or a liquid crystal display with 256 colours. Storage options include 2.8Mb floppy disk or 1.2Gb of digital audio tape back-up with Sytos Plus software. The new DT436E, says Nokia Data, will be priced in line with current 80386-based machines.