The company is planning to upgrade its machinery and enhance the capacity of the facility. In the last 18 months, the facility has manufactured 60 million handsets of which two-third was consumed by the domestic market and the remaining was exported to 59 countries.

Nokia had said that it is preparing to launch about 30 handsets in the next six months and expects its handset prices to reduce by 20% every year.

D Shivakumar, vice-president and managing director, mobile phones at Nokia India, said: As demand increases, Nokia will put in fresh investment in its plant in Chennai to upgrade machine and capacity.

According to an Indian financial news website Business Standard, Nokia, which started operations in India 12 years ago, has the largest market share among GSM handset manufacturers in India. It has over 700 exclusive outlets and 100 branded outlets.

Nokia’s manufacturing facility was set up in 2005 with an investment of $100m to $150m. According to Nokia, it selected Chennai as the location for manufacturing due to its skilled labor, business environment, support from the state government and good logistics connections.

Source: ComputerWire daily updates