Nokia has stepped up its battle against Apple by filing a complaint with the Federal District Court in the Western District of Wisconsin, alleging that Apple iPhone and iPad 3G products infringe five of its patents.

Nokia said that the patents relate to technologies for enhanced speech and data transmission, using positioning data in applications and innovations in antenna configurations that improve performance and save space, allowing smaller and more compact devices.

Nokia claims that these patented innovations are important to its success as they allow improved product performance and design.

Paul Melin, general manager for patent licensing at Nokia, said: “Nokia has been the leading developer of many key technologies in mobile devices. We have taken this step to protect the results of our pioneering development and to put an end to continued unlawful use of Nokia innovation.”

Earlier in October 2009, Nokia has sued apple with the Federal District Court in Delaware, alleging that Apple’s iPhone infringes its patents for GSM, UMTS and wireless LAN (WLAN) standards.