Nokia Siemens Networks said that it has received an order by Netherland-based TV and internet service provider Ziggo to expand and upgrade its VoIP network.

Under the contract, Nokia Siemens Networks will upgrade, expand and optimise Ziggo’s complete VoIP network to enable easy implementation of new services, including a simplified voice mail platform that also features email notification about voice mail messages. Ziggo customers will be able to access improved internet telephony services with value-added features such as three-way conferencing.

In addition, Nokia Siemens Networks will also ensure interworking with Ziggo’s existing network. It will help lower operational costs for the service provider by streamlining its network operations, reduce network complexity and will provide full maintenance support, the company said.

Dick Radstaak, senior network architect at Ziggo, said: “We are focusing on the optimization of our VoIP network to provide consistent and advanced services to our customers. A more efficient and reliable network will also lower our operational expenses. Network expansion, improved reliability and the highest service availability have been the main drivers for this important project. Nokia Siemens Networks has proved to be the best suitable partner to achieve our goals.”

Deliveries will begin this month and are expected to be taken into commercial use during the first half of 2010.