Under the terms of the agreement IBM Global Services will act as a system integrator of Nokia’s wireless LAN infrastructure products in order to provide public wireless LAN solutions worldwide. At the same time, Nokia will continue sales of its Operator Wireless LAN solution through its existing sales channels.

The cooperation between Nokia and IBM opens new opportunities to bring Nokia’s wireless LAN solutions to corporate users and will assist mobility operators and wireless Internet service providers (WISPs) in expediting hotspot roll out. Under the agreement, IBM Global Services will offer its service portfolio including installation, maintenance, financing and consulting services to facilitate faster and easier entry into the growing public wireless LAN market.

We see this cooperation with IBM as an excellent business opportunity to widen the accessible market for the Nokia Operator Wireless LAN solution and better serve a growing customer demand,” says Paavo Aro, General Manager, Wireless LAN Systems, Nokia Networks. The public wireless LAN service is on the verge of major growth in demand, especially from business users. Forecasts have predicted that more than 100,000 hotspots will be in operation globally within the next four years.”

Rapid implementation of added value data services such as Public Wireless LAN is of crucial importance as operators target a growing corporate user marketplace,” said Lars Alm, general manager, wireless e-business services, IBM EMEA. By combining IBM’s wireless e-business services expertise with Nokia’s leadership in wireless technology, operators can now benefit from a fast, high performance Public Wireless LAN solution. This new IBM/Nokia collaboration enables them to bring revenue generating Public Wireless LAN services to market quickly, with the assurance that they will integrate seamlessly with existing network topologies and deliver entirely new levels of user experience to business users on the move.”

Public wireless LAN offers wireless connectivity services to the visitors of so-called hotspots in public buildings such as airports, hotels, conference centers, as well as corporate premises. Business travelers using wireless LAN cards can access the Internet and their corporate intranet wirelessly at high-speed.