The collaboration between Nokia and Borland aims to significantly advance the market for wireless application development on standard-compliant platforms that expand Java technology to mobile devices.

Borland and Nokia have collaborated to deliver JBuilder MobileSet, Nokia Edition – a Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME platform) compliant environment – fully integrated with JBuilder 5, Borland’s leading Java technology development environment, to support software development for Nokia’s Java-enabled phones. Together, JBuilder 5 and JBuilder MobileSet, Nokia Edition include visual design tools for creating mobile applications, device emulation and debugging, as well as all the other standard features offered with the JBuilder development environment.

It is both Nokia’s and Borland’s intention to offer these tools to other manufacturers enabling developers to standardize on one environment for the development and deployment of Java applications across devices from multiple manufacturers. To download these tools, go to the Forum Nokia Web site, Nokia’s online community of more than 400,000 mobile developers, at, actively used by Nokia’s online community of more than 400,000 mobile developers, and Additionally the tools are also available through Borland’s Web site at Borland’s Web site.

It is very simple: The Mobile Internet is all about combining the richness of the fixed Internet with the immediacy and convenience of mobility. There is no question that expectations for the mobile Internet are very high, said Anssi Vanjoki, executive vice president, Nokia Mobile Phones. As market leaders in our respective areas, the teams at Nokia and Borland realized early on that developers needed tools that make it faster and easier to bring wireless applications to the market. By colloborating with Borland, we are able to offer customers the best mobile Java technology development environment in the world.

Vanjoki added We believe the market for mobile applications is boundless, and today’s agreement, which leverages Nokia’s expertise in wireless application software and Borland’s expertise in creating environments for the development and deployment of Java technology applications, means the developer community can begin confidently building high quality, standardized and revenue generating applications for the next phase of the mobile Internet. The developer can concentrate on developing compelling applications and spend less time worrying about the intricacies of each device.

Nokia announced its plans to introduce Java-enabled mobile phones beginning in 2001, and intends to distribute millions of handsets for the mass market during 2002. Phones designed with the Java technology environment enable application developers to rapidly reach a global audience and begin generating revenue.

Mobile and wireless devices are quickly being embraced and leveraged within mainstream e-business efforts, said Mark Driver, research director of Gartner’s Internet and e-business technologies. These smaller devices have begun to take on the roles formerly limited to traditional PC platforms and are also enabling new services not possible with traditional IT platforms. Products like Borland JBuilder MobileSet, Nokia Edition will lead to the proliferation of mobile and wireless applications that will run on these smaller devices.

Nokia is clearly recognized as the leading manufacturer of the next wave of intelligent mobile devices – the mobile phone transformed into a mobile computer, said Borland CEO and President Dale L. Fuller. In order to truly make the mobile Internet a consumer friendly experience, the next step is to enable developers around the world to write great software. Nokia and Borland are in a unique position to put all the pieces together to provide the best and easiest -to-use tools for mobile application developers.

Java technology efficiently addresses the challenges of mobility for consumers, service providers and developers. An open standard and robust platform suitable for the mass market, Java is one way to implement and distribute services in a fast and cost efficient way. With the J2ME platform and the Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP), the best part of Java functionality is made available to mobile devices that have smaller display capabilities and power resources than a PC. The J2ME platform and MIDP allow developers to create small and efficient applications for portable devices, often through the reuse of existing Java code, which reduces costs while still providing applications for multiple devices.