Third-quarter net sales were EUR 7 050 million, showing a decrease of 7% compared with the previous year. In Nokia Networks, net sales declined 14% and in Nokia Mobile Phones net sales decreased 3%.

Pro forma pre-tax profit was EUR 1 068 million.

Pro forma operating margin for Nokia was 15.2%, Nokia Networks 9.3% and Nokia Mobile Phones 19.0%.

Pro forma earnings per share (diluted) were EUR 0.16 compared with EUR 0.19 a year ago.

Non-cash pro forma adjustments for this quarter totaled EUR 787 million including a one-time charge of EUR 714 million to increase reserves for Telsim and Dolphin, resulting in reported net profit of EUR 186 million and reported EPS (diluted) of EUR 0.04 in the third quarter.

Jorma Ollila, Nokia Chairman and CEO, said: Nokia, as a flexible, lean and focused organization has done more than just weather the storm of the past several months. We succeeded in sustaining solid profitability and high cumulative operating cash flow of EUR 3.9 billion for the first nine months in an intensely competitive and volatile environment.

While the market environment has had an inevitable impact on Nokia’s topline growth, we have continued to translate our core strengths of strong brand, excellence in execution and winning products into profitable results. In addition, we have not compromised on investments essential to our future business success. Nokia intends to remain at the forefront in providing useful and exciting ways for people to enrich their lives as well as new business opportunities for the wireless industry as a whole.