Nokia Siemens Networks has launched a new architecture for mobile networks at CTIA Wireless 2011.

The company said the new service can direct mobile broadband capacity to where it is needed most. Known as Liquid Radio, the approach enables a more economic use of network resources through sharing and redistributing capacity based on user demand.

Nokia Siemens Networks has also announced its innovative Flexi Multiradio Antenna System as part of the Liquid Radio architecture. The company expects to begin to deploy this architecture during 2011.

Nokia Siemens Networks product management head Thorsten Robrecht said, "Liquids are unconstrained, streaming to fill any gap or space. In the same way, our Liquid Radio architecture removes the constraints of traditional mobile broadband networks to address the ‘ebb and flow’ of traffic created by users’ movements across the network."

Nokia Siemens Networks Flexi Multiradio Antenna System is based on active antenna technology that combines antenna and radio part in one functional enclosure, built with dedicated power amplifiers for each antenna element.

The active antenna allows beamforming as well as handling of multiple technologies in one unit. Beamforming allows capacity to be directed exactly where the user requires it, delivering up to 65% capacity gain.