Nokia Siemens Networks has awarded a long-term contract to Capgemini Outsourcing Services SAS, a subsidiary of Capgemini, to support its global order management operations.

Under the agreement, Capgemini will provide order management services including preparation for delivery, customer order management, distribution and customer invoicing, while customer facing activities will remain with Nokia Siemens Networks.

Capgemini will leverage its BPOpen technology platform and its Rightshore network to harmonise and standardise the processes across Nokia Siemens Networks’ worldwide operations.

As per the agreement, 400 employees from Nokia Siemens Networks will join Capgemini BPO Supply Chain Services teams from countries including Brazil, China, Finland, Germany and India.

In addition, approximately 300 contractors to Nokia Siemens Networks will continue their work under Capgemini’s management.

Capgemini head of BPO Hubert Giraud said that as clients face an increasingly global business environment, growing supply chain costs, and a larger ecosystem of partners and customers, a streamlined and sustainable supply chain will be key to growth.

"Capgemini’s collaborative and strategic approach to supply chain transformation, market knowledge and suite of enabling tools and technology will allow leading global companies like Nokia Siemens Networks to optimise their supply chain operations and achieve true competitive advantage," Giraud said.