While Google being forced to comply with the recent EU ruling of the ‘right to be forgotten’ hit the headlines Microsoft’s search engine Bing was also covered but it seems the Google-competitor is still trying to work out how to do it.

In a short statement that Bing posted on its website yesterday, Bing said:"We’re currently working on a special process for residents of the European Union to request blocks of specific privacy-related search results on Bing in response to searches on their names.

"Given the many questions that have been raised about how the recent ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union should be implemented, developing an appropriate system is taking us some time. We’ll be providing additional information about making requests soon."

Since Google set up the Right To Be Forgotten request page in May, it has been reported that the form is getting around 10,000 requests per day. The redactions only take place on European versions of Google, not Google.com.

Yahoo has not announced any of its own plans to deal with the RTBF ruling apart from saying it is developing its own solution back in May.