Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) tools provider, nlyte Software has launched its DCIM Suite for Service Providers which delivers new functionality for service provider facilities.

The new release offers the predictive intelligence and management controls needed to enhance the service provider capabilities.

nlyte DCIM Suite for Service Providers accelerates the on-boarding of new clients, increases responsiveness to client needs and improves operational efficiency, the company said.

The new release includes multi-tenant reporting that provides detailed client reports including precise chargeback and remote rack visualisation.

It also includes improved tools, value-added services to accelerate on boarding new customers and pricing, packaging designed for the service provider market.

BendBroadband Vault Data Center director Steven Hall said said the nlyte DCIM Suite helps the company onboard new customers faster, offer its clients visibility into their assets and gives them the necessary information to make important business decisions.

"Remote visibility and automated reporting are two of the many reasons why nlyte Software is ahead of the other DCIM vendors," said Hall.