Following creation of Unisys Corp, Nippon Univac Kaisha, in which Mitsui Co holds 34.21% and Mitsubishi and Oki also have about 2.5%, is to be merged with 100%-Unisys-owned Nippon Burroughs Co in Japan, probably in July, but definitely by year-end. The Mitsui holding in Nippon Univac complicates the situation, as does the fact that the company is quoted on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, which is why the merger was not effected immediately. Nippon Univac is much the larger company – the 1100 is a major product in Japan, and is now manufactured there, as is the System 80 line, and annual turnover is about $919m; that compares with $555m for Burroughs Japan – although the latter has nominal capital of $75m against only $25m for Nippon Univac. The merger will create a new, quoted Nippon Unisys in which the Japanese partners – or at least some of them, will retain a stake.