Nippon Unisys, which opened for business in its new form on April 1, has indentifed the regional banking market as a promising area fro rapid growth, and is pitching for big bucks with a securities dealing and bond futures system: it has installed the system at three regional banks, Okinawa, Suruga and Higo Banks, and reckons it is now the market leader ahead of Fujitsu Ltd and IBM Japan: the package runs on the (Japanese-built) 2200/200S low-end OS 1100 small mainframe and costs around $814,000 for a turnkey system, $245,000 for the software alone; functions already written for future use include financial futures and overseas financial futures trading, and the latest installations will mean that Unisys has 21 of the 64 regional banks as customers – so it is planning to establish a Regional Banking User Association.