Tokyo-based IBM-compatible board vendor Nippon Board Computer has developed AT-compatible lap-top computers equipped with high capacity Winchesters, reports Newsbytes Japan: the company came out with a 16-bit NBCC286 laptop at the end of last month, and follows up this month with a 32-bit NBCC386 laptop for overseas markets, and an NBC386AX lap-top to the AX standard for the Japanese market; the NBCC286 has a 16MHz 80C286 processor with 2Mb memory expandable to 5Mb, and 16-greyscale backlit liquid crystal display with 640 by 480 resolution, and built-in Winchesters ranging from 20Mb to as high as 400Mb, with batteries that last two hours, all packed into a unit 12.6 wide by 13.6 deep by 3.6 thick, weighing 12.1 lbs; no prices yet, but Nippon Board Computer will export the new lap-tops first to Europe, Canada and Southeast Asian countries, but not, initially the US because of the punitive tariffs imposed there on lap-top computers.