New Delhi, India-based NIIT said it will open up the training centers to train top management, project managers, software engineers and IT users working for IT firms across 15 Chinese provinces, and will also train software developers of Indian software and services firms in the region. The new investment will add to the company’s existing 100 training facilities across 25 provinces in China, where it has been present for five years.

The announcement by NIIT follows the address given by Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the Indian Prime Minister last week, who encouraged the two offshore regions to work closely together. China aims to grow its software exports to $5bn by 2005, up from a current level of $1.5bn, and according to P Rajendran, COO of NIIT, this means the number of IT professionals in the market will have to increase to 800,000 from its current level of 590,000.

Source: Computerwire