The deal is seen as a critical building block in the ambitious modernization plans for NHS Wales as set out in the ‘Designed for Life’ strategy. The agreement means that the latest Microsoft operating and software licenses will be provided for 35,000 computer desktops throughout NHS Wales, ensuring staff across the service have access to vital computer equipment at an affordable price. Microsoft will also provide support and training to staff across NHS Wales.

NHS Wales says the deal delivers much better value for money compared to what it would have cost if the licenses had been negotiated locally for different trusts.

Carl Mustad, head of IT in Bro Morgannwg NHS Trust said, This deal will ensure that all NHS organizations keep software and licenses relevant and up-to-date and that staff across the NHS are using the same version of the software. This compatibility across Wales will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the NHS use of IT resources.

According to NHS Wales, the deal is being funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and managed by Informing Healthcare, which is leading the development of new methods, tools and information technologies to improve health services in Wales.