nGenera Customer Interaction Management (CIM), a division of nGenera, has released a new version of nGen CIM which adds nGen Community and nGen Social Media channels and enhances nGen Knowledgebase, nGen Email, and nGen Chat.

According to nGenera CIM, the newly added nGen Community, powered by nGen Knowledgebase enables customers to engage in social self-service by creating and sharing knowledge and experiences as well as participating in community management. Community members interact in forums and contribute via wiki while the organisation retains overall control.

Ngenera said that nGen Social Media identifies chatter, prioritises incidents using sentiment technology, and then depending on sentiment score, routes incidents to the agent. The agent can then respond using social media or traditional customer interaction channels.

The company has expanded its federated search capabilities through its nGen Knowledgebase search, to include knowledge-base content, web site content, file server content and database and social content. In addition, the new suite includes nGen CoBrowse that enables contact centres to engage customers in CoBrowse sessions to help them complete purchases or solve issues and nGen Survey, an integrated post-interaction survey module.

Wade Pfeiffer, general manager of nGenera CIM, said: “nGen CIM 9 helps organisations achieve an ROI on their business and social strategies by empowering customers to engage and collaborate using their channel of choice. This release makes nGenera CIM the only vendor in the space to offer a complete solution suite to the enterprise.”