NeXT Computer Inc has begun shipping NeXTstep 3.3 on Precision Architecture RISC and Sparc (CI No 2,638). Version 3.3 has been out on Intel Corp iAPX-86 systems since last December. The company is now shipping the developer release of 3.3 on Precision Architecture, Sparc, iAPX-86 and Motorola 68000 workstations. That release is seen as the stepping stone to Solaris, OSF/1, Windows NT and Windows95 OpenStep implementations. The developer system has a new C++ compiler, but still supports the Objective C/C++ compiler for Objective C in which NeXTstep is written. The developer release is $5,000, upgrades are $1,250. The full 3.3 costs $800, upgrades, $200. NeXT is also shipping the promised 1.1 release of its Enterprise Objects Framework for creating persistent objects from Oracle and Sybase relational database elements. Release 1.1 is a dot release with performance optimisation and adaptors for both databases on four NeXTstep systems, Intel iAPX-86, Motorola 68000, Precision Architecture RISC and Sparc. Enterprise Objects Framework applications can be deployed across Digital Equipment Corp, Hewlett-Packard and Sun servers running their native operating systems with NeXT’s Portable Distributed Object 3.0 model atop. Enterprise Objects Framework costs $300, upgrades are $200.