Systems integration specialists Nextel Engineering Systems SA recently confirmed turnover of $4.2m for fiscal 1994, predicting that 1995 would yield in excess of $10.6m. The Madrid-based company that is barely 18 months old also announced the creation of a fifth division to be called Nextel Net. This division aims to attract the attention of companies seeking solutions via the Internet. The new Nextel Net division will offer consultancy, design and engineering services to assist companies with access to private networks, product promotion, electronic business and teleshopping, with the support of advanced security and encryption techniques. The division will provide access to the information banks and databases of the Banco Popular, Banco de Santander, BBV, the Official Bulletin of the Basque Country, the Spanish Chambers of Commerce, Colex Data, Ecoprensa, Espan, Norline, OAG and TED, to name just some of those involved in the project. Managing director Christian Barrios announced that the Nextel Net has already formed strategic partnerships with various companies, notably Sun Microsystems Inc. Sun will be standing by with its servers and workstations, in addition to advanced software applications for Internet and Sarenet. The Nextel Net division has estimated a turnover of $1.2m in its first year of operation, a figure which does not include the sale of servers.