German software and services outfit Software AG has opened an International Center in the UK to deal with the Year 2000 problem. The company has launched Expedition 2000, a set of services including branded consultancy, project management, applicati ons re-engineering, software conversion and software tools that it claims will selectively automate key tasks such as impact searching and code changing. It includes Fulcrum 2000, an integrated graphical environment for re-engineering and automation plus an as yet unnamed, bought-in OEM technology, NCX 2000, that can slice existing code into re-usable modules, it said.

Boca Research Inc, Boca Raton, has received a $7m one-year order for V.34 modems from Tele Danmark A/S.

Cincom Systems Inc’s Document Solutions Group has bought Andersen Consulting’s French print division to augment its AruoraDS range of document management software with Andersen’s document management software and reinforce its presence in the French market, Cincom said. Terms of the deal were not given

The French Senate yesterday voted 222 to 93 to adopt the draft bill that will change the legal status of France Telecom into a joint stock company from January 1 1997, and allow the company’s partial privatization. The National Assembly debates the bill from June 24.