Borland International Inc licensed some of the Netscape Communications Corp ONE Open Network Environment as part of its new intranet strategy and will also bundle Netscape FasTrack server software and Netscape Navigator Gold Premium Internet client software with some of its software development products.

Prodigy Services Co and International Wireless Inc have merged to form a new company, Prodigy Inc. It will include the Prodigy Service, international and cellular phone and international Internet properties of International Wireless.

AST Research Inc cut prices as much as 25% on its commercial desktop and notebook computers in response to similar reductions by other manufacturers as competition in the commercial segment has intensified.

Hewlett-Packard Co anounced price cuts of up to 24% on its full line of commercial, performance and small business desktop HP Vectras.

Montgomery Securities in San Francisco is replacing its Apple Computer Inc Macintoshes with 1,300 Windows NT 4.0 desktop machines, the Wall Street Journal reported.