Start-up New Moon software Inc has pushed the date of the launch of its first product, the appropriately named Liftoff. The product, which partitions Windows applications running on Windows NT servers and distributes the display and users interaction part to clients, was due for release June 14, but never appeared. The problem appears to be fundamental as it deals with the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) technology that is at the heart of Windows. New Moon partitions the applications at the application programming interface (API) layer, rather than the device driver layer, as Citrix Systems Inc’s Intelligent Console Architecture (ICA) does. New Moon claimed, ironically enough, that its way made development easier. We expect more details this week on exactly what is holding up the product. The company still plans anActiveX/Distributed OLE version, as well as a Java version. But they are both some way off. The company says it will probably partner with the Java development because doing things like API mapping ion Java would take too long otherwise for a company of its size. Incidentally, Santa Clara, California-based New Moon has just closed its third round of financing, and it is believed to have raised about a further $10m from sources unknown, though presumably chairman Dado Banatao’s S3 Inc company has chipped in again- an announcement is expected today.