Former Red Brick Systems Inc vice-president of marketing A J Brown has turned up as vice-president of marketing at Redwood City, California-based data mining wannabe Datamind Inc. The 14- person company is readying a data mining tool called Datamind for introduction on April 8. A J’s main claim for the software is that it will be understandable, compared with the crop of university-derived neural network or expert reasoning-type data mining products now on the market. He claims the software can be used against all types of files, including flat files, DB2 data and relational tables, but will work best in conjunction with warehousing environments. The company is working on a couple of partnership deals and says it has not set a price point yet. The Datamind tool set was created in France in 1991 and garnered 25 customers there. The company was re-invented in the US in 1994; the data mining software will be its first product. It could have an interesting ride given its apparent unawareness of Winterthur, Switzerland-based data processing and software development company Datamind Services AG, a 200-person, $35m-a-year company resells Oracle and R/3 as well as its own personnel management, software configuration and change management tools called Syntos. Datamind AG sells through Long Beach, California-based Ace Inc and is also a partner of Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG.