Xecute, a brand new X Window-based software distributor headquartered in Edison, New Jersey, opened its doors last week. The company has cut deals to resell the Visix Looking Glass desktop manager and Locus Computing’s networking products such as PC Interface. Similar arrangements are reportedly in the works with Santa Cruz for Open Desktop, Advanced Graphics Engineering for its Xoftware TI34010 technology and Applix for Alis. Xecute founder Eric Korb intends to produce turnkey systems for dealers whom he estimates are relatively unsophisticated around Unix. His initial focus will be on the computer-aided design market for which he has already produced a graphical user interface product called Open Sesame! for AutoCAD. The new product is, as he anticipates his follow-on products will be, based on Looking Glass because of its leadership position. Korb admits he may be 12 months premature in distributing X software, particularly on desktop or office automation applications, but reckons that it will be a year well spent learning the trade and preparing for serious demand.