Japan Computer Corp, based in Tokyo but with a US office in Fort Lee, New Jersey, has introduced a new series of X-terminals. The GlobalX series brings the company into the three-dimensional market for graphics, engineering and business users. They include monochrome and PEX colour X-terminals using the MIPS Computer Systems Inc R3000A processor, with local support for Motif and X11.5. The JCC GlobalXM mono system uses a 25MHz R3000 with Japan Computer-designed ASIC as an X-Server accelerator it is rated at 120,000 Xstones; 17, 19 and 21 1,280 by 1,024 pixel monitors are supported. The JCC GlobalPEX, a colour PEX terminal, uses a 40MHz R3000A with choice of 17 or 20 monitors – but is available only in limited quantities as an evaluation machine, while work on PEX continues. RISC processors are needed to support the additional functionality of R5, it says, which includes additional security, internationalism and localisation, scalable fonts and PEX – the Phigs extensions to X. The company’s first R3000-based products were launched onto the market last summer. Prices start at $2,650 for the XM-17. Japan Computer Corp, a 14-year old company with 100 staff, originally started out as a high-end workstation manufacturer. Its products are distributed in the UK by Chernikeef Ltd.