Open Options Distribution Ltd is the latest company on the UK distribution scene. Based in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, it has been started up by a number of Unix distribution veterans, including Victoria Parker, ex-Frontline Distribution Ltd sales manager who has also worked at Rapid Recall and Micro Macro; co-director Tim Martin from Sphinx Level 5; and national sales manager Jonathan Dawkins, also from Sphinx Level 5. Currently five-strong, Open Options aims to become a specialist in the Unix and networking market, and has set up initial deals with Unipalm, 3Com Corp and Chase Research. It is also talking to Novell Inc, primarily about the new Univel desktop Unix activities Novell is working on with Unix System Laboratories Inc. Other products signed up include Dynatek digital audio tape and back-up products, and terminals, and Santa Cruz Operation Inc for Unix (but not Open Desktop). The company is looking for further products to add to its portfolio, but it intends to remain a specialist rather than trying to take on the majors.