A new company, Vector & Scalar Products Ltd, has been formed in Slough, Berkshire to market Supertek Inc’s Cray Research Inc X MP-compatible S-1 40MFLOPS minisupercomputer in Europe (CI No 756), which will also handle European distribution and systems integration of DEC and personal computer products. The new company is a joint venture between Numerix Corp, Newton, Massachusetts, Supertek Inc, Santa Clara, California, and Reten Electronic GmbH & Co, Frankfurt. Vector has British management and offers low-cost market coverage by building on existing Numerix European sales, support and distribution structure, according to managing director Russ Gadd. We can deliver a product to the end user which offers about twice the cost performance of its nearest competitor and still give users a high level of service. The S-1 will be launched in Europe at the Supercomputer exhibition at Utrecht, Holland between February 21 and 23. It offers about one third of the performance of the Cray-1 and is expected to have an entry price of around UKP200,000.