eMedicine features thousands of original, peer-reviewed articles that have been approved for continuing education for physicians, nurses, and pharmacists by the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Nebraska Council for Continuing Pharmaceutical Education. Each article, or chapter, is approved for one and a half hours of credit, including category 1 AMA PRA CME for physicians, CE units for nurses and pharmacists.

The company is also nearing approval of Continuing Education for pre- hospital providers, physical therapists, respiratory therapists and optometrists. Eventually, over 70,000 hours of continuing education will be available to health professionals.

eMedicine will be one of the most economical ways a medical professional can have access to online continuing education training, stated Dr Scott Plantz, co-founder of eMedicine.com, in a statement to the press.

eMedicine.com is currently undergoing evaluation at over 2000 hospitals in the US, Canada and Europe. A version for public libraries is also available.