On the 3270 front, IBM added a 15 monochrome display, with logic element, printer port, keyboard and flexible coiled keyboard cable as the 3192, with printer port for local screen copy, and a 1,500-character record/pause delay capacity. It also provides a horizontal and vertical guide for rows and columns on a busy screen, a screen trim capability allowing the operator to designate the portion of the screen to be copied by the local printer, and vertical scroll for spreadsheet display. For 370-type machines, it also comes in a Model C and 14 Model G colour variants; and there are companion 3197 models for use with System 36 and 38. The new IBM 3174 Display Station Controllers Models 81R and 82R are fixed function small-cluster controllers are designed for users requiring attachment of only one to eight terminal devices. Hardware characteristics are the same as current 3174 models, but IBM 3174 Controller Enhancements Microcode provides a reduction in control unit customising time and additional keyboard support for the utility/diagnostics diskette procedures. They can now be linked to IBM Series/1 and System/88 hosts. Also, optional storage expansion features are now available on all 3174s except the small-cluster 81R and 82R models and accessory 40-foot communication cables are now available. Prices and availability are IBM 3192 model D: $1,795, IBM 3192 model C, $1,895, IBM 3192 model G, $2,795, IBM 3197 model D, $1,795, IBM 3197 model C, $1,895, all available now; IBM 3174 model 81R, $3,500, due to be available in April 1987; and IBM 3174 model 82R, $3,500, available second quarter 1987.