Lotus Development Corp has released version 1.1 of its Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet for Sun Microsystems Inc Sparc-based systems. Described as a major enhancement, and based on the core 1-2-3 for MS-DOS, the spreadsheet supports X Window, integrates Lotus’s C Add-in Toolkit and supports Lotus Realtime, which enables real-time financial data to be fed directly into 1-2-3. Real-time data can be updated continuously within the spreadsheet, reflecting rapidly changing security values, interest rates, international exchange rates, commodity prices and other global market data. Lotus 1-2-3 for Sun Sparc Systems supports the Sun OpenWindows environment running Open Look, in addition to SunView windows support. X-Terminals such as the Network Computing Devices Inc product family have also been certified. For software developers, the product also includes a C Add-in Toolkit, which offers a set of tools to help produce customised business applications. The Sybase SQL Server Datalens driver is also bundled in. Prices start at $700 per licence, upgrades for registered users from $180.