Designed to improve overall school and student safety while reducing the administrative burden associated with the student sign in/sign out process, the Teacher-Parent Authorization Security System (T-PASS) uses highly accurate iris recognition technology to establish positive identification of school employees, parents, guardians and visitors.

Hewlett-Packard collaborated with Eyemetric Identity Systems, LG Electronics USA and Newton Security to deliver the technology to the school district. The system is part of a study funded by a school safety grant valued at more than $369,000 from the National Institute of Justice, a research branch of the US Department of Justice.

The iris recognition technology system uses video cameras to register the colored ring around an individual’s pupil. The unique markings of the iris are compared against a database and, if that biometric information can be matched, the system will grant the individual access to the building. Parents, teachers, students and staff will all gain access to Free Borough’s school buildings using this system, which is able to grants or deny access in less than two seconds.

Free Borough school district is the second school in New Jersey to use the technology. The first district study of iris recognition technology occurred at Plumsted Township School District in New Egypt in 2003.