Progress Software Corp is shipping version 6.3 of its Application Development Environment on Sun Sparc, Sequent PTX, IBM RS/6000 and Data General AViiON Unix machines as well as those running Santa Cruz Operation Inc Unix. The Bedford, Massachusetts company says version 6.3 will be available on the HP 9000 Series 700 and 800 as well as machines running Unix System V.4 by the end of the month. The new release includes enhancements aimed at high-end multiprocessing Unix systems. A gateway to the Sybase database enables developed applications to call procedures defined and stored in Sybase. The company also says it is planning a link to IBM Corp’s DB/2 mainframe database in late 1993 in an attempt to attract AS/400 users. Version 6.3 offers semi-automatic recovery from failure of a distributed two-phase commit, enhancements to the Progress database engine and monitoring tools to assist systems administrators with tuning. Progress has pitched its environment at value-added resellers and data processing departments in the past, but now wants to target large companies. Version 6.3 is available to Progress users as an upgrade, anticipating version 7, now in beta test at 15 UK sites and due May 1993.