Candle Corp’s Database Tools Division has announced a new version of its DB2 disk product that helps manage disk storage and reclaim excess space: DB2-DASD provides a set of facilities for managing how DB2 uses disks, identifying wasted space, and showing which datasets need to be moved; then it recommends appropriate space allocation and target volumes, and provides the ability to move datasets; since DB2-DASD does not use any real-time data compression, no CPU cycles are consumed during the normal operation of DB2; the new version, DB2-DASD Version 2, includes a cost analysis facility and also enables administrators to manage DB2’s use of storage on an ongoing basis, optimise DB2 use of disks and accommodate growth; in addition to the costing feature, Version 2 of DB2-DASD provides Space Finder which enables administrators to determine the best target device for moving a dataset; the macro facility enables a series of keystrokes to automate a routine command sequence; a volume table of contents is displayed, including both DB2 and non-DB2 datasets; the product is now in field test and will be available in the second quarter 1991; it will cost between $8,000 and $32,000.