StoreDot, an Israeli-based start-up, claims its new bio-organic battery technology can fully charge a battery in just 30 seconds.

The technology, which was introduced at the Microsoft’s Think Next Conference in Tel Aviv, uses quantum dot technology and currently works with Samsung’s Samsung Galaxy S4.

StoreDot founder and CEO Doron Myersdorf told TechCrunch that the company’s prototype would be incorporated into the device in a year.

"Right now we show a battery that extends beyond the form factor of the smartphone," Myersdorf said.

"So in one year we’ll have reached the size, and in two years we’ll reach the required energy density for the entire day.

"So we are talking about three years for a commercial ready device. So I assume it will be three years before you can actually purchase it on the market."

The technology was born out of research carried out at Tel Aviv University, which detected short chains of amino acids called peptides that are now being integrated into the battery.

The company claims the crystals, which can store a charge or emit light, are easy to make and non-toxic.

StoreDot siad it is looking to build its own facility, which would facilitate accelerating market launch of bio-organic smartrphone batteries.

"Our challenge is not only stabilising our own material but to change the entire ecosystem around the manufacturing of semi-conductor and batteries in order to be able to accommodate bio-organic material," Myersdorf added.

"If we invest in our own facility we can make the batteries in a very short cycle. If we need to teach someone else how to change their facility it might take too long — so it’s better to build this from scratch instead of to modify an existing facility."