Colorado Springs, Colorado-based Advanced Neurotechnologies Inc has announced multiple-hook-up applications of its BrainLink peak performance system, which is claimed to provide a brainwave-to-computer interface. Along the same lines as computer networks and team-oriented virtual reality, the multiple-hook-up applications of BrainLink extend the development of the interface between minds and machines, while helping teams of all kinds train their own brainwaves to achieve peak performance. The essence of team performance is that team members perform tasks in parallel, in the same way as in a distributed computer network, it says. New team properties emerge as BrainLink brings team members into phase synchrony. The team becomes, in effect, a virtual organism. The breakthrough of BrainLink’s multiple-hook-up applications is also in the fundamental change in communication that comes from this synchrony, it asserts. BrainLink is a way of compressing communication, so that team members are more often on the same page when exchanging information or competing against a common opponent. BrainLink multiple-hook-up applications include brainwave training for peak performance in negotiation, sales, engineering, creative, and sports teams. The system implements Advanced Neurotechnologies’ proprietary Patton Protocols, which it describes as a Rosetta Stone that has been proven to extract relationships of brainwave activity that can be learned and directed by the user. The Advanced Neurotechnologies protocol discriminator analyses the amplitude and phase relationships between multiple sub-Hertz frequency ranges, the company explains airily.