Neuron Data Inc, Palo Alto, California, has built a C++ development environment, C/S Elements++, upon an enhanced 1.5 iteration of its existing C/S Elements C data access interface development system. The company says C/S Elements++ includes a separate C++ Application Programming Interface and automatic C++ code generator as well as C++ libraries, which will make it more attractive to object-oriented software developers. C/S Elements 1.5 provides read-write access to Unix and Open Data Base Connectivity databases and includes new access tools such as DBView for separating logical and physical views. A point-and-click Data Link editor adds relationships between graphical user interfaces and DBView. C/S Elements 1.5 includes a module for dynamically creating and modifying data source connections; a mechanism for creating and modifying data access queries; and a table for buffering and caching of records and navigating result sets. C/S Elements++ developer kits are from $5,000 next quarter on Windows, Solaris, SunOS and HP-UX – $6,850 thereafter, the company says. Mac, OS/2 and Windows NT releases are planned. C/S Elements ships for Windows, Windows NT, AIX, SunOS, Solaris and AIX. The software includes Oracle, Ingres, Informix, Sybase and Open Database Connectivity drivers.