Mountain View, California-based Neuron Data Inc has made at least 10% of its workforce redundant in a restructuring exercise, following the acquisition of Microline Software Inc of nearby Sunnyvale, in February this year (CI No 3,099). The company insisted at the time that there would be no redundancies as a result of the acquisition. The redundancies have been made in engineering, management and to a lesser extent marketing, partly due to overlaps between the companies. While previously there was a general manager for each European country, there will now be only a European general manager. Neuron Data says the redundancies were necessary in order for it to focus on its Flagship Elements rules-based application development tools, as opposed to the IDE integrated development environment products it has dabbled in. Privately-held Neuron Data says that the redundancies do not signal a major crisis – it admits that it was making a loss until its Microline acquisition but says that it is making a profit now.