Huawei’s Deputy Chairman and Rotating CEO, Ken Hu, has been emphasising the importance of three key strategies to the vision of 5G.

The strategies of cross-industry collaboration, technological innovation and evolutionary commercialisation are according to Hu, vital to the creation of 5G networks.

Speaking at a keynote speech during a forum at Mobile World Congress, Ken Hu spoke of the importance of 5G to industries and innovations such as self-driving cars.

Hu, said: "More than just an upgrade, 5G will become a powerful platform that enables new applications, new business models, and even new industries – as well as many disruptions."

Hu went on to stress the importance of collaboration between telecommunications operators and vertical industries. For Hu it must be business that needs to drive standards development and technological innovation.

Hu added that innovation in the areas of network architecture and all-spectrum access is key to the development of 5G.
Hu, said: "We believe that such strategies will help mobile operators maximize their return on investment in 4G, stimulate market demand for 5G, and extend their market leadership from 4G to 5G."

Huawei recently announced its 4.5G blueprint which it hopes will speed up the realisation of a 5G network.