According to the company, the X24 module is designed with advanced automotive telemetry needs in mind, enabling in-car, low-cost broadband connectivity over a WiMAX network. The X24 is based on Motorola’s WTM1000 WiMAX chipset.

The X24 is developed with high-speed data capabilities combined with mobility allowing broadband connectivity to automobiles. Motorola’s WTM1000 chipset is a dual-band (2.5GHz /3.5GHz) full WiMAX Wave 2 compliant solution targeted for mobile wireless broadband applications, allowing connectivity to the majority of WiMAX networks.

Aharon Mirsky, vice president of Motorola Israel and director of the wireless modules business, said: The X24 module continues Motorola’s tradition of innovating in wireless communication by bringing WiMAX to the M2M (machine-to-machine) world. Mobile WiMAX connectivity is positioned to enable cutting-edge automotive applications. The X24 module helps enforce Motorola’s strong WiMAX commitment.