80 percent of manufacturers believe that the UK will undergo a tech revolution by 2025, according to new research by EEF.

The manufacturers’ organisation found 88 percent of those surveyed believed that the UK needed to take a leading role in the upcoming "fourth industrial revolution."

66 percent also claimed that the ability of UK manufacturing to compete globally depended on keeping up with technology advances.

Echoing recent warnings from the House of Lords, the report saw 58 percent of manufacturers claiming that the UK was in danger of falling behind in the new digital world. An additional 78 percent wanted to see Government, industry and academia working together to secure the UK’s role.

Terry Scuoler, CEO of EEF, comments: "The fourth industrial revolution will change the global face of manufacturing beyond recognition. The UK must take a leading role if we are to realise our ambitions for a healthy, balanced and growing economy.

Scuoler added: "The next decade will bring great and rapid change and the early-adopting nations will maximise the opportunities presented by new technologies and thrive as a result. There will inevitably be winners and losers, which is why we should take note when manufacturers say there is a real danger of the UK being left behind."