For Internet, read intranet. It has a more solid feel to it, being an internal corporate network and all that , and we’ve noticed how companies that would have mentioned Internet in their releases have reverted to intranet to avoid any uncertainities with a technology that most investors don’t really understand. And the conversion is complete now that Internet pioneer Netscape Communications Corp puts its storming half-year results down to the intranet server market and the success it’s had with its SuiteSpot set of servers and clients and FastTrack server. The Mountain View, California company reported second net profits of $906,000, against losses of $2.8m last time. But profits this time come after a $6.1m charge for the accumulated effect of the acquisitions of InSoft Inc (CI No 2,844), Paper Software Inc (CI No 2850) and NetCode Corp (CI No 2,923). Netscape has signed joint development, reseller and marketing agreements with all and sundry during the half. Research and development represented a hefty 24% of total sales in the quarter and the half. Shares rose steadily in the couple of days before the results and then put on $5.19, or 10.1% to close yesterday at $56.50.