Netscape Communication Corp and Autodesk Inc’s Kinetix multimedia arm, have cozied up still further with mutual pledged support for each others three-dimensional file formats. At Siggraph, Kinetix introduced a plug-in that enables its 3D Studio Max package to output VRML 2.0. It says it will ensure the plug-in will also support Netscape’s Live3D. Kinetix will also incorporate Live3D as a native object within its Hyperwire two- and three-dimensional Web title authoring tool. In return, Netscape says it will incorporate support for two Kinetix and Autodesk file formats – .3DS and .DXF – into Live3D. The agreement is the latest stage of an understanding which has been going on since the beginning of the year. Kinetix gets a massive audience for three-dimensional models authored using its tools, Netscape gets influential support for Live3D and access to some nice three-dimensional technology and expertise. Netscape says it will extend Live3D substantially, by incorporating support for t he Kinetix file formats. Kinetix is also a Netscape ONE licensee – it is taking Netscape’s Java Internet foundation classes and has agreed to support Netscape LiveConnect for linking Plug-ins, Java applets and JavaScript. There are no timescales for when the company will implement the products.