German-based e-business software developer Netlife AG says it will invest $35m in Singapore to accelerate the transfer of technology from headquarters to its Singapore technology hub, the company’s third after Hamburg and New York.

In Asia, we have chosen a product-driven and partner-centric emphasis, said Netlife Singapore managing director Tobias Pelzer. Asia is primed to embrace secure electronic transaction (SET)-based e-business solutions. Secure payment is the missing link in e-commerce. Once SET solutions are in place, e-commerce will explode in Asia.

Netlife’s e-commerce offerings are based on its MBS (Multi-Business System) technology, which provides a flexible interface between applications used by handsets, kiosks, call centers, PDAs and WebTV.

MBS is being used by more than 300 companies globally, including Eurocard, Bank of Berlin, Commerzbank, Deutsche Postbank, TC Trust Center, and Motorola, Pelzer said.