Carl Amdahl’s NetFrame Systems Inc in Santa Clara, California hopes to pioneer a new class of server for networked MS-DOS boxes with its 80386-based network mainframes. The firm, headed by Businessland co-founder Enzo Torresi, is attempting to meet the weaknesses that personal computers used as servers are not designed to be multi-user, or to have the necessary capacity or reliability, while mainframe and mini servers are not fast enough and are not MS-DOS-compatible. The NetFrame system is based on a hierarchical input-output architecture implemented using applications-specific chips; reliability is achieved via mainframe techniques – circuit redundancy, error detection and correction. Power sequencing and parity checking on critical data paths ensures data integrity, and remote system management is supported. The Net Frame has a central system processor and add-on input-output and Application Servers that operate together to give up to eight times the throughput of a high-end personal computer or workstation. The device-inde pendent input-output servers manage shared peripherals and network connections simul taneously and application server boards act as stand-alone computers dedicated to spec ific applications to enhance computing cap acity. A server-activated maintenance fac ility uses remote diagnostic techniques. Compatible with Ethernet, Token-Ring, SCSI- II and LocalTalk, the NetFrames run Nov ell’s NetWare 386 or Microsoft’s LAN Manag er, with other operating systems planned. There are three models – NF100, NF300 and NF400. The NF100 uses a 25MHz 80386 as the main processor, takes up to four 5.25 Win chesters for 2.2Gb, has up to 32Mb memory and take up to three input-output or appli cation servers. The NF300, with the same processor, takes up to eight disks for 6Gb, has up to 64Mb memory and takes up to eight servers in any mix. The NF400 is the same but uses a 25MHz 80486 as the main CPU. All three serve from five to 1,000 users and NetWare 386 is available now, LAN Man ager in first quarter 1990. The first two will be available through Business land in November, the NF400 in Janu ary. An NF100 with input-output server having SCSI-II interface, Ethernet adaptor, RS 422 LocalTalk port, RS232, 8Mb memory and 380Mb disk is $22,500. The NF300 starts at $35,000, the NF400 at $45,000.