NetChannel Inc, developer of Internet and information delivery services for the television-viewing audience, said it intends to buy ViewCall America Inc. ViewCall is the developer of the On-TV personal Internet TV Channel, and an associate of ex video-rental king John Bentley’s ViewCall Europe Plc. The acquisition will bring together two companies with similar strategies to enhance the television viewing experience by using the Internet to deliver personalized entertainment and information, ViewCall said. Our television viewing audience will receive greater value through a sevice that delivers requested programming that is personally relevant, explained Philip Monego, co-founder and chief executive at NetChannel. Although exact details were unclear, NetChannel indicated that the new announcement would not affect ViewCall’s existing relationships. The company’s new management team will be led by Monego and will include members of both NetChannel and ViewCall. Financial terms were not disclosed. More details about the announcement will be available when the definitive agreement is signed, expected to be at the end of the month, the companies said. The company will be based in San Francisco with offices in Norcross, Georgia and London, UK.