NEC Corp has been spelling out its semiconductor plans for the financial year just started, saying that was well as the MIPS Computer Systems Inc RISC – at a rate of 10,000 a month from September (CI No 1,159), it will also increase output of V-series and other complex instruction set microprocessors, and output of 1M memory chips, currently running at 5m a month, will rise to 7m a month by September, and volume fabrication of 4Ms will start in the autumn, initially at 200,000 a month at the plant in Yamacguchi prefecture due to be completed in October; a 4M plant is also under construction in Hiroshima prefecture to go into production next spring with a capacity of between 4m and 5m chips a month; NEC also said that production of microcontrollers will rise by about 40% by March 1991 to reach 30m a month from the present 22m.