Southampton, UK-based Neural Computer Sciences says it is the first company to make available a suite of data acquisition, analysis and reporting utilities as ActiveX components. According to the company, the use of ActiveX containers provides a platform-and language-independent vehicle for the integration of diverse objects, to form applications that combine aspects of ‘intelligent’ technologies (visualization, analysis and reporting). The kind of intelligent software technologies NCS is talking about are the likes of neural computing, fuzzy logic and neurofuzzy – said to be used for solving problems that are too complex or laborious for traditional processing methods. NCS’ ActiveX components include a Multi-Layer Perceptron with back propagation, Kohonen, neurofuzzy and Radial Basis Function technologies to enable system designers to select the appropriate neural network for embedding in the target application. Data encoders are also available in the ActiveX format, allowing the input of non-numeric data such as M/F for male female, simplifying the development of many mining and search tools, according to the company. NUEfuzzy – NCS’ fuzzy logic neural network facility – is claimed to combine the benefits of intuitive rule-based modeling with the trainable nature of neural nets, producing a better solution to non-linear problems. NCS’ ActiveX library, once used in the application, can be converted to an embeddable function which cannot be altered by users, and a run-time package supports this embedded version. No prices were given.