NCR said that its APTRA self-scheduler enables consumers to book appointments with the bank’s sales consultants through the internet, a mobile device or a self-service terminal, at a time and physical branch that is convenient to them. This 24-hour system ensures that once an appointment is booked it can be confirmed immediately through the customer’s choice of methods, from an SMS reminder to their cell phone, to e-mail or text-to-speech, added NCR.
Banks can also deploy NCR APTRA self-scheduler on kiosks in their branches, enabling walk-in customers or prospective customers to make an appointment, or allowing those who have previously scheduled a meeting to self check-in on arrival. This gives branch employees better visibility to who is waiting and how long they have been waiting, said NCR.
According to NCR, financial institutions can reap benefits by making APTRA self-scheduler an enterprise-wide schedule management tool. Financial institutions can use the tool more broadly to reportedly optimize staffing levels across the branch network to meet customer demand.