As a Unix-with-everything house, NCR’s initial launch of its Cooperation integrated software environment as an MS-DOS and OS/2 only product seemed a little odd, but the company has put that right with release 2.0, which adds support for Unix servers and multiprocessing. Designed for financial, manufacturing and service organisations, Cooperation is designed to enable users to access massive amounts of data, to collect and manipulate data on the desktop, and share information across workgroup, departmental and corporate networks. Cooperation 2.0 supports Unix servers and Windows-based client workstations and OS/2 servers. Cooperation 2.0 also provides users with comprehensive network and systems management capabilities – Cooperation and NCR StarSentry products can now coexist on the same network, and the network manager can configure, administer and manage a remote Unix server from a central StarSentry workstation, eliminating duplicate network management resources. It also adds access to Informix DB/2, Oracle and SQLBase databases. It runs on NCR’s System 3000 family of general purpose computers and compatibles.